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in Your Business

Bee360 - Your holistic solution

Bee360 is our solution for integrated and holistic management. Our platform provides a clear vision for information and technology management. All relevant decision areas are integrated in a single source of truth. The information can be accessed efficiently with a minimum of effort and complexity.

Bee360 provides a holistic overview and connects different areas such as strategy, enterprise architecture, project and portfolio management and finance. Connecting these areas enables our users to proactively design and transform organizations, as all impacts are always visible. Our customers don’t justify – they design.

What digital leaders achieve with Bee360


Transform faster

Accelerate your transformation with Bee360! In a time of constant change, it’s critical to keep track of your progress and identify key dependencies for success. Immerse yourself in the world of Bee360 and give your transformation a clear direction and powerful implementation. Actively shape your path to success, supported by a solution that makes your transformation tangible!

Increase resilience

Implement our tried-and-tested management model to be able to react quickly to changes. Data-driven decision making and empowering teams to take ownership help drive your agility and adaptability. Create a culture of innovation where employees are encouraged to develop and test creative ideas. Identify potential risks and uncertainties at an early stage and develop effective countermeasures at an early stage.

Create transparency

Create a model of your organization to obtain complete transparency about the most important dependencies and to serve as a basis for design. From organizational structure and business processes to resource planning and allocation, Bee360 helps you better understand workflows, define responsibilities, identify bottlenecks in time, and develop more efficient processes. All this is achieved in line with the company’s objectives and strategic direction.


Transform faster

Accelerate your transformation with Bee360! In a time of constant change, it’s critical to keep track of your progress and identify key dependencies for success. Immerse yourself in the world of Bee360 and give your transformation a clear direction and powerful implementation. Actively shape your path to success, supported by a solution that makes your transformation tangible!

Increase resilience

Implement our tried-and-tested management model to be able to react quickly to changes. Data-driven decision making and empowering teams to take ownership help drive your agility and adaptability. Create a culture of innovation where employees are encouraged to develop and test creative ideas. Identify potential risks and uncertainties at an early stage and develop effective countermeasures at an early stage.

Create transparency

Create a model of your organization to obtain complete transparency about the most important dependencies and to serve as a basis for design. From organizational structure and business processes to resource planning and allocation, Bee360 helps you better understand workflows, define responsibilities, identify bottlenecks in time, and develop more efficient processes. All this is achieved in line with the company’s objectives and strategic direction.

So, how do you get started quickly with rolling planning?

With a unique combination of Steering Model, Coaching and Enterprise SaaS platform, we work with CIOs and digital leaders to accelerate the development of your organization to the next level of maturity. Move away from restrictions and towards a high-performance inter-play of value creation, technology and resources.

Steering model

Beecore 1

Steering model

Our experience in the further development of IT organizations can be found in BeeCore - our holistic governance model. It offers the right governance structures for every level of IT maturity. This takes the pressure off you as CIO and frees you up for value-adding activities.

Coaching Change

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Coaching Change

However, the best steering model is useless if it is not understood and consistently implemented. That is why our consultants support its adaptation, application and the accompanying organizational change.

Enterprise SaaS platform

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Enterprise SaaS platform

Our approach is under-pinned by the Bee360 platform, which includes all disciplines relevant to the management of an IT organization. How to design your IT organization within a single source of truth without the need for disparate and siloed tools.


Transform faster

Accelerate your transformation with Bee360! In a time of constant change, it’s critical to keep track of your progress and identify key dependencies for success. Immerse yourself in the world of Bee360 and give your transformation a clear direction and powerful implementation. Actively shape your path to success, supported by a solution that makes your transformation tangible!

Increase resilience

Implement our tried-and-tested management model to be able to react quickly to changes. Data-driven decision making and empowering teams to take ownership help drive your agility and adaptability. Create a culture of innovation where employees are encouraged to develop and test creative ideas. Identify potential risks and uncertainties at an early stage and develop effective countermeasures at an early stage.

Create transparency

Create a model of your organization to obtain complete transparency about the most important dependencies and to serve as a basis for design. From organizational structure and business processes to resource planning and allocation, Bee360 helps you better understand workflows, define responsibilities, identify bottlenecks in time, and develop more efficient processes. All this is achieved in line with the company’s objectives and strategic direction.

  • 2 weeks to EAM

    In small steps we enable you to achieve great success.

  • in 3 months for rolling planning

    Tailored to your needs in the management area of your choice.

Know your business

Bee360 provides you with a comprehensive Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) solution that helps you gain a clear view of your value proposition, business capabilities, and the technology needed to achieve them, while defining future goals.

Design change

The world is constantly changing, and your business needs to be flexible to remain successful. Bee360 supports you in adapting the organization over time
and continuously refining the corporate strategy.
Our Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) and Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) keep you in control of change.

Manage costs

Manage your resources effectively and permanently keep track of costs. Bee360’s IT Financial Management (ITFM) enables you to automatically calculate costs for changes (Change) and ongoing operations (Run). Use rolling planning to give yourself the freedom to react quickly without losing sight of long-term goals.

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Know your business

Bee360 provides you with a comprehensive Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) solution that helps you gain a clear view of your value proposition, business capabilities, and the technology needed to achieve them, while defining future goals.

Design change

The world is constantly changing, and your business needs to be flexible to remain successful. Bee360 supports you in adapting the organization over time
and continuously refining the corporate strategy.
Our Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) and Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) keep you in control of change.

Manage costs

Manage your resources effectively and permanently keep track of costs. Bee360’s IT Financial Management (ITFM) enables you to automatically calculate costs for changes (Change) and ongoing operations (Run). Use rolling planning to give yourself the freedom to react quickly without losing sight of long-term goals.

new ipad lizensiert
Kuester Guido Phoenix Contact CIO 5

"Despite times of the Corona pandemic and a major organizational change, we were able to secure fiscal year planning in Bee360 within a very short period of time. With Clausmark's concepts & Bee360, we achieve financial transparency across the CDO and IT portfolio."

Guido Küster

Chief Information Officer
Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG

Why is Bee360 the best partner for digital leaders?

With a unique combination of Steering Model, Coaching and Enterprise SaaS platform, we work with CIOs and digital leaders to accelerate the development of your organization to the next level of maturity. Move away from restrictions and towards a high-performance inter-play of value creation, technology and resources.

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Steering model

Beecore 1

Steering model

Our experience in the further development of IT organizations can be found in BeeCore - our holistic governance model. It offers the right governance structures for every level of IT maturity. This takes the pressure off you as CIO and frees you up for value-adding activities.

Coaching Change

Beechange 1

Coaching Change

However, the best steering model is useless if it is not understood and consistently implemented. That is why our consultants support its adaptation, application and the accompanying organizational change.


Enterprise SaaS platform

Bee360 1

Enterprise SaaS platform

Our approach is rounded off technologically with the Bee360 platform, which covers all the management-relevant disciplines of an IT organization. This allows you to design your IT organization within a single source of truth without the need for disparate and siloed tools.

Steering model

Beecore 1

Steering model

Our experience in the further development of IT organizations can be found in BeeCore - our holistic governance model. It offers the right governance structures for every level of IT maturity. This takes the pressure off you as CIO and frees you up for value-adding activities.

Coaching Change

Beechange 1

Coaching Change

However, the best steering model is useless if it is not understood and consistently implemented. That is why our consultants support its adaptation, application and the accompanying organizational change.

Enterprise SaaS platform

Bee360 1

Enterprise SaaS platform

Our approach is rounded off technologically with the Bee360 platform, which covers all the management-relevant disciplines of an IT organization. This allows you to design your IT organization within a single source of truth without the need for disparate and siloed tools.

Designed holistically for digital leaders, confirmed by analysts

We believe that digital leadership goes hand in hand with holistic management.
To achieve this, the individual disciplines of Strategic Portfolio Management, IT Financial Management and Enterprise Architecture Management are mastered individually and in combination . We are the only provider to have this certified by renowned analysts such as Gartner and Forrester.

Strategic Portfolio Management - Implementing strategies, maximizing delivery reliability

Gain an overview not only of your strategies and initiatives, but also of the utilization of your resources.
To evaluate and implement the strategic requirements for your portfolio, we have developed a demand management system that strengthens cooperation and the joint assumption of responsibility between the business department and the IT organization.

Whether agile, classic or hybrid – you have the flexibility to choose the implementation model that suits you best.
You always have an overview of the most important key figures on the costs and capacities used, which are crucial for the implementation of your strategy.
If necessary, you will receive targeted recommendations for action to avoid waste and maximize delivery reliability.


Strategic Portfolio Management - Implementing strategies, maximizing delivery reliability

Gain an overview not only of your strategies and initiatives, but also of the utilization of your resources.
To evaluate and implement the strategic requirements for your portfolio, we have developed a demand management system that strengthens cooperation and the joint assumption of responsibility between the business department and the IT organization.

Whether agile, classic or hybrid – you have the flexibility to choose the implementation model that suits you best.
You always have an overview of the most important key figures on the costs and capacities used, which are crucial for the implementation of your strategy.
If necessary, you will receive targeted recommendations for action to avoid waste and maximize delivery reliability.


IT Financial Management - Controlling costs, demonstrating value contributions

Control your IT expenditure from its origin to its allocation to the specialist departments.
Real-time data on cost generation and development provide you with the basis for the optimal use of financial resources.

Stakeholder-oriented dashboards and reports facilitate decision-making and simplify communication to the specialist departments with regard to cost allocation.
This makes the value contribution of IT transparent.


IT Financial Management - Controlling costs, demonstrating value contributions

Control your IT expenditure from its origin to its allocation to the specialist departments.
Real-time data on cost generation and development provide you with the basis for the optimal use of financial resources.

Stakeholder-oriented dashboards and reports facilitate decision-making and simplify communication to the specialist departments with regard to cost allocation.
This makes the value contribution of IT transparent.


Enterprise Architecture Management - Your guide from strategy to implementation

Strengthen the integration of your IT with the specialist departments and develop EAM from an expensive ivory tower function into a valuable business enabler.
By specifically identifying strategic capability gaps and technical debts, you can point the way to strategy implementation.
By mapping the necessary demands in the portfolio backlog, you secure the necessary financing and capacities.

More about our Enterprise Architecture Management

Enterprise Architecture Management - Your guide from strategy to implementation

Strengthen the integration of your IT with the specialist departments and develop EAM from an expensive ivory tower function into a valuable business enabler.
By specifically identifying strategic capability gaps and technical debts, you can point the way to strategy implementation.
By mapping the necessary demands in the portfolio backlog, you secure the necessary financing and capacities.

More about our Enterprise Architecture Management

Digital leadership without detours - avoid the typical pitfalls with us

Independent analysts confirm: Bee360 is holistic!

Strategic Portfolio Management, Enterprise Architecture Management and IT Financial Management are the three disciplines that must be mastered individually and in combination in order to ensure holistic IT management.
We are the only provider to have this certified by renowned analysts such as Gartner and Forrester.

Strategic Portfolio Management - Implementing strategies, maximizing delivery reliability

Get an overview not only of your strategies and initiatives, but also of the utilization of your resources.
To evaluate and implement the strategic requirements for your portfolio, we have developed a demand management system that strengthens cooperation and the joint assumption of responsibility between the business department and the IT organization.
Whether agile, classic or hybrid – you have the flexibility to choose the implementation model that suits you best.
You always have an overview of the most important key figures on the costs and capacities used, which are crucial for the implementation of your strategy.
If necessary, you will receive targeted recommendations for action to avoid waste and maximize delivery reliability.


IT Financial Management - Controlling costs, demonstrating value contributions

Control your IT expenditure from its origin to its allocation to the specialist departments.
Real-time data on cost generation and development provide you with the basis for the optimal use of financial resources.
Stakeholder-oriented dashboards and reports facilitate decision-making and simplify communication with the specialist departments regarding cost allocation.
This makes the value contribution of IT transparent.


Enterprise Architecture Management - Your guide from strategy to implementation

Strengthen the integration of your IT with the specialist departments and develop EAM from an expensive ivory tower function into a valuable business enabler.
By specifically identifying strategic capability gaps and technical debts, you can point the way to strategy implementation.
By mapping the necessary demands in the portfolio backlog, you secure the necessary financing and capacities.

More about our Enterprise Architecture Management

Tool without consulting concepts

“Thank you for paying for our tool licenses every month.
You can now easily manage the trivial rest on your own.”

We are certain that your challenges will not be solved simply by purchasing a tool.

That’s why we advise you on your specific challenges with our concepts and accompany the necessary organizational change so that the tool deployment results in real improvements.

Consulting without implementation

Just as a tool alone cannot create the necessary transparency, it cannot provide advice alone.

Because if the concepts developed cannot be implemented immediately, sustainable application is questionable. This is one of the reasons why renowned consulting companies cooperate with us.

The "best of breed" tool approach

There is a tool provider for every aspect of developing and managing an IT organization.

If you follow this approach, however, you get lost in a plethora of tools and system breaks and run the risk of losing information or only obtaining it with redundant effort.

Increased use of resources

Nearshoring, offshoring and recruiting can only help in the short term.

In the medium term, however, resources often disappear into a “black hole” and the financial scope becomes narrower without the initial situation improving significantly.

The path through the valley of tears

If you have a clear target in mind, it is tempting to set off.

However, the difficulty lies not (only) in the definition of clear requirements, but above all in their implementation.

With the help of an expert, this process can be shortened, which not only saves financial resources, but above all also intellectual resources.

Do not provide resources

Like any other project, the introduction of Bee360 needs to be staggered and financed.
But why use resources here in particular?

Quite simply, with our implementation projects (rolling planning, EAM Fast Track…) you ensure that your resources ONLY flow into the most important activities and at the same time increase the performance of your organization.

If you put this off while the competition becomes ever more effective and efficient, it will become increasingly difficult to keep up.

Over 20 years of commitment to CIOs and digital leaders

All Hands 2024

Since he couldn’t find anyone on the market who shared his vision of software and customer-centric consulting, he founded Bee360 (then still Clausmark).
In over 20 years of close collaboration with customers, the unique symbiosis of the Bee360 platform (information) and the holistic BeeCore management model (interpretation) was created.

But for a real transformation to succeed, the third and most important success factor must also be taken into account: people. Because real transformation can only happen if the right stakeholders work together enthusiastically ! To ensure this, our consultants are specially trained for the associated change and its communication.

You too can benefit from our unique combination of platform, management model and coaching and start your journey to digital transformation like around 80 customers a year.

Bee360: Where data, people and success meet

CIOs, digital leaders and analysts know Bee360 as a reliable partner for increasing IT maturity and holistic digital transformation. But how does a Karlsruhe-based niche player with just under 100 employees achieve what international corporations with many times more resources fail to do?

The answer begins with the story of founder Sönke Claussen, who discovered his passion for technology at the age of eight on the C64 and earned his first money at the age of 16 with a 386 by creating individualized tables and billing forms. It was then that he realized the added value that relevant, structured information offers users.

In the course of his computer science studies, he deepened his passion and realized projects in the field of data analytics for a software manufacturer. He realized that it was not enough to simply provide the customer with information  The actual added value only arises through the interpretation and derivation of consequences.

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Tool without consulting concepts

Many tool vendors focus on selling you tool licenses and leave it up to you to bring the tool to life.

We are certain that your challenges will not be solved simply by purchasing a tool.

That’s why we advise you on your specific challenges with our concepts and accompany the necessary organizational change so that the tool deployment results in real improvements.

Consulting without implementation

Just as a tool alone cannot create the necessary transparency, it cannot provide advice alone.

Because if the concepts developed cannot be implemented immediately, sustainable application is questionable. This is one of the reasons why renowned consultancies cooperate with us.

“You can get a lot of good ideas from many consulting organizations. What is often lacking is execution. Bee360 makes execution possible.”Uwe HeroldSenior Vice President Information Technology, Miele Cie. KG

The "best of breed" tool approach

There is a tool provider for every aspect of developing and managing an IT organization.

If you follow this approach, however, you get lost in a plethora of tools and system breaks and run the risk of losing information or only obtaining it with redundant effort.

Increased use of resources

Nearshoring, offshoring and increased recruiting can provide short-term relief.

However, in the medium term, it often turns out that these measures alone are not enough to solve the underlying problems.

Instead, the additional resources often disappear into a “black hole” and the financial leeway becomes increasingly limited – without the actual starting situation improving significantly.

Try it yourself

You are an expert in your IT organization and know exactly how things are done. So it makes sense to take the optimization into your own hands.

However, the challenge with rolling planning is not only excellent execution, but also improving governance within and outside the IT organization.

In this area, it takes a long time for the organization to move and even longer to learn through feedback.

Now is not the right time

There will never be the “perfect” time to start implementing Bee360. But putting it off won’t make your challenges any smaller – on the contrary:

The earlier you start with the introduction of Bee360, the better you can allocate your resources to the most important activities and increase the performance of your organization.

Future activities will also benefit from this!

Over 20 years of commitment to CIOs and digital leaders

All Hands 2024 1

Since he couldn’t find anyone on the market who shared his vision of software and customer-centric consulting, he founded Bee360 (then still Clausmark).
In over 20 years of close collaboration with customers, the unique symbiosis of the Bee360 platform (information) and the holistic BeeCore management model (interpretation) was created.

But for a real transformation to succeed, the third and most important success factor must also be taken into account: people. Because real transformation can only happen if the right stakeholders work together enthusiastically ! To ensure this, our consultants are specially trained for the associated change and its communication.

You too can benefit from our unique combination of platform, management model and coaching and start your journey to digital transformation like around 80 customers a year.

Bee360: Where data, people and success meet

CIOs, digital leaders and analysts know Bee360 as a reliable partner for increasing IT maturity and holistic digital transformation.
But how does a Karlsruhe-based niche player with just under 100 employees achieve what international corporations with many times more resources fail to do?

The answer begins with the story of founder Sönke Claussen, who discovered his passion for technology at the age of eight on the C64 and earned his first money at the age of 16 with a 386 by creating individualized tables and billing forms.
It was then that he realized the added value that relevant, structured information offers users.

During his computer science studies, he deepened his passion and realized projects in the field of data analytics for a software manufacturer. He realized that it is not enough to simply provide the customer with information: The actual added value is only created through interpretation and the derivation of consequences.

IMG 6978 5 scaled 1
All Hands 2024 1

Since he couldn’t find anyone on the market who shared his vision of software and customer-centric consulting, he founded Bee360 (then still Clausmark).
In over 20 years of close collaboration with customers, the unique symbiosis of the Bee360 platform (information) and the holistic BeeCore management model (interpretation) was created.

But for a real transformation to succeed, the third and most important success factor must also be taken into account: people. Because real transformation can only happen if the right stakeholders work together enthusiastically ! To ensure this, our consultants are specially trained for the associated change and its communication.

You too can benefit from our unique combination of platform, management model and coaching and start your journey to digital transformation like around 80 customers a year.

Bee360: Where data, people and success meet

CIOs, digital leaders and analysts know Bee360 as a reliable partner for increasing IT maturity and holistic digital transformation.
But how does a Karlsruhe-based niche player with just under 100 employees achieve what international corporations with many times more resources fail to do?

The answer begins with the story of founder Sönke Claussen, who discovered his passion for technology at the age of eight on the C64 and earned his first money at the age of 16 with a 386 by creating individualized tables and billing forms.
It was then that he realized the added value that relevant, structured information offers users.

During his computer science studies, he deepened his passion and realized projects in the field of data analytics for a software manufacturer. He realized that it is not enough to simply provide the customer with information: The actual added value is only created through interpretation and the derivation of consequences.

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Get Started

Whether you want to learn more details about the platform, see Bee360 in action, deepen your knowledge of the underlying management concepts in our digital university, or connect with our community at an event – it’s all just a click away.